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VOC gas sensor VOC-B4
VOC gas sensor VOC-B4
4-Electrode Volatile Organic Compound Sensor

VOC-B4 electrochemical sensor

  • 32mm diameter, 16.5mm depth
  • 4 electrodes
  • 400 to 700 nA/ppm in 2ppm CO
  • < 30 t90 (s) from zero to 2ppm CO
  • ± 200 nA in zero air at 20°C
  • Suitable for various environmental air quality applications
  • Adaptable voltage from 0V to 0.3V
  • Available in both A-Series (20mm diameter, 16.5mm depth) and B-Series (32mm diameter, 16.5mm depth)
  • Can be adapted to measure Benzene, Formaldehyde, Ethanol, Toluene and Xylene
  • Minimal battery drain and maintenance
  • Excellent detection/response time