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MiniPID 2 HS
MiniPID 2 HS
A highly sensitive version of the ION Science MiniPID 2 HS (High Sense) sensor is capable of monitoring trace levels of VOCs over a long period of time, ideal for air quality applications.

Ion Science’s ground-breaking MiniPID 2 HS is 15 times more sensitive than the company’s existing MiniPID 2 ppb sensor. It is capable of detecting trace levels of VOCs over a long period of time making it ideal for indoor air quality monitoring applications.

It is also well suited to clean rooms, fence line monitoring, industrial hygiene, site soil and air sampling, fugitive emissions, volatile spills, law enforcement and emergency response.

Delivering a dependable response to thousands of VOCs across many diverse applications, the MiniPID 2 HS (high sense) is a simple plug and play sensor providing a wide detection range of 0.5 ppb up to 3 parts per million (ppm).

Ion Science’s MiniPID 2 HS also features a re-designed, pneumatically sealed electrode stack for high sensitivity and a wide detection range. An innovative self-diagnostic feature indicates whether the electrode stack is contaminated or if the sensor is not operating correctly.