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Thermal Conductivity Sensor for Leak or Pressure Detection

MTCS2601 Thermal Conductivity Sensor Applications
•  Primary vacuum control following Pirani principle. This sensor is easily added within a pressure valve or directly in vacuum pipes or systems, such as small mechanical pumping systems, vacuum pumping machine and analytical instruments .
•  Leakage miniature SMD sensor as control integrity of closed systems or instruments under dedicated pressure, able to
detect defect like corrosion or simply box opening (load cells; flywheel systems, Dewar…)

MTCS2601 Thermal Conductivity Sensor Electrical specification 

Description Symbol Min Typical Max Unit
Measuring resistance at 23°C ± 2°C Rm1 and Rm2 110 120 135 Ω
Reference resistance at 23°C± 2°C Rt1 and Rt2 240 270 300 Ω
Ratio Rtx/(Rm1+Rm2) 1.06 1.12 1.18
Resistance difference Rm1-Rm2 -1.5 ------ +1.5 Ω
Resistance difference Rt1-Rt2 -3.5 ------ +3.5 Ω
Temperature coefficient (Rm,Rt) 20°C-100°C α 0.0050 0.0055 0.0060 /°C
Geometry factor G 3.9 mm
Thermal loss coefficient  β 0.101 mW/°C

MTCS2601 Thermal Conductivity Sensor Absolute maximum ratings

Description Symbol Min Typical Max Unit
Heating current in (Rm1+Rm2) – Air; Ta=23°C Ih 6.2 mA
Heating Power (Rm1+Rm2) – Air; Ta=23°C P 15.8 mW
Membrane temperature Tm 180 °C
Ambient temperature Ta -20 100 °C
Humidity - No condensing RH 0 100 %