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7 SMART Module
7 SMART Module
This 7 Smart Sensor Module consists of a data collection and processing PCB assembly, 7-Series electrochemical (EC) sensor, and a metal enclosure.

The PCB assembly in the module collects the data from the gas sensor output and then processes it with amplification, sampling, filtration, and compensation through a built-in MCU to deliver stable and accurate digital output reflecting the actual target gas concentration. Any of SemeaTech 7-series EC sensors and 4-electrode EC sensors can be used to form a 7 Smart Sensor Module to detect the target gas with the digital output. This module provides the convenience and friendly user experience for users to quickly integrate gas sensors into their existing systems for a variety of gas detection applications.

· Unified electrical interface, mechanical dimensions and communication protocol;
· Working with all SemeaTech 7-series EC sensors and 4-electrode EC sensors;
· Built-in temperature and humidity sensors for better environmental independence;
· Multiple output interfaces, including USART, and I²C;
· Equipped with metal case (optional), it can protect the internal circuit from dust and water;
· Programmable I²C address for user friendly interfaces.