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4-Series O2-LF Sensor
4-Series O2-LF Sensor
This sensor is designed for the measurement of Oxygen concentration in gas phase.
Product Description

This sensor is designed for the measurement of Oxygen concentration in gas phase. It can be used as the pin-to-pin replacement of the standard 4-series electrochemical Oxygen sensors made by the other manufacturers.

Performance Characteristics
Nominal Range 0 ~ 25% vol oxygen
Maximum Overload 30% vol oxygen
Output Signal (20℃) 100 ± 20 μA in air
Response Time (T90) ≤ 15 s
Zero Signal (20℃) ±0.5% vol oxygen
Resolution 0.1% vol oxygen
Linearity The error is <±5%FS or <0.3%vol, whichever is the less.
Theoretical formula: K*Ln(1/(1-c)) 
Bias Voltage -600 mV
Warm Up Time 15 minutes
Repeatability < ±5%