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4-Series ETO-500
4-Series ETO-500
This sensor is designed for the measurement of Ethylene Oxide concentration in gas phase. It can be used as the pin-to-pin replacement of the standard 4-series electrochemical Ethylene Oxide sensors
Performance Characteristics
Nominal Range 0 ~ 500 ppm
Maximum Overload 1,000 ppm
Sensitivity (20℃) 0.058 ± 0.033 μA/ppm
Response Time (T90) ≤ 120 s
Zero Signal (20℃) -0.2 ~ 2.5 μA
Baseline Shift (-20℃ ~ 50℃) < 25 ppm
Resolution 10 ppm
Linearity Linear up to 500 ppm
Bias Voltage +300 mV


Product Dimensions