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4-Series CO-20000
4-Series CO-20000
This sensor is designed for the measurement of Carbon Monoxide concentration in gas phase.

This sensor is designed for the measurement of Carbon Monoxide concentration in gas phase. It can be used as the pin-to-pin replacement of the standard 4-series electrochemical Carbon Monoxide sensors made by the other manufacturers.

Performance Characteristics
Nominal Range 0 ~ 20,000 ppm
Maximum Overload 20,000 ppm
Sensitivity (20℃) 0.015 ± 0.005 μA/ppm
Response Time (T90) ≤ 30 s
Zero Signal (20℃) < ±0.2 μA
Baseline Shift (-40℃ ~ 50℃) < 10 ppm
Resolution 10 ppm
Linearity Linear up to 20,000 ppm
Bias Voltage 0 mV